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Dream Beauty Activities

Dinghy Tow

Seabobbing - 2x 


Sooo much more fun that paddleboarding and also great for exploring as long as you're fit enough! DB has 2 so you can go off and explore together.


Amazingly fast and so easy to pedal.....exercise while you explore the beauty around you.


Crazy fast fun if you can master it!

Swim with (lots of fish)

We'll take you to the Aquarium where you are always guaranteed to see an absolute mass of beautiful and friendly Caribbean fish!

Swim with Nurse Sharks

Utterly incredible encounters with these gentle giants of the seas. 

Swim with Reef Sharks

Utterly incredible encounters with these slightly less gentle giants of the seas.!!

Visit the Swimming Pigs

Pigs that's a thing!

Feed the Iguanas

There a whole army of them and they're hungry!

More Seabobbing

You just can't stop!!!!

Dive the smugglers plane

A legacy of the Bahamas recent past courtesy of Pablo Escobar and Carlos Ledger.


It's an oldie but a goodie! Demonstrated here by Steve after diving the cocaine plane ;-) 

All the other stuff!!!!

Giant lilypad, noodles, 12 sets of snorkeling gear, 2 underwater 'hookah' breathing systems, 2 paddleboards, 2 kayaks.....and of course, the beautiful, crystal clear, warm waters of the Bahamas.

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